3 things for your VO Friday…..
1.) I find it interesting that whenever I see a “the sky is falling” post about the industry, the theme is continuously about voiceover broadcast rates. Broadcast rates have declined due to lower barriers to talent entry, changing media consumption habits, and technology. No two ways about it. I think we’ve pretty much hit the floor, but we’ll see. What’s NOT falling? Rates for non-broadcast narration. The VO middle class isn’t dying…..it has moved. It’s doing explainers, corporate/industrial narration, and E-Learning. Those who are working these genres heavily are thriving. Go to a conference and see who’s picking up the check these days. It’s not the commercial & promo voices….it’s the E-Learning folks. We adapt in this business or we die. The next time you get smacked on the head with a piece of the VO sky, look around and see if there’s somewhere else in the industry where you can stand.
Voiceover Broadcast Rates and EURO VO Retreat
2.) Somewhat further to point one, there’s another group that is still doing pretty well, broadcast or not: The truly exceptional talent among us. The market faces a glut of limited-skill talent willing to take any job at any rate. This drags down the low and lower-middle end of the market, where buyers are open to compromising on quality. However, many buyers still want quality and are perfectly happy to pay for it. I know a lot of talent, and I can’t think of any exceptional ones who are struggling. Train to greatness, and the work will come.
3.) By popular demand, no foie gras will be served at EURO VO Retreat 4 in Barcelona.
Enjoy your weekend!